3rd Annual Seattle Run & Walk 2023 Merch

Save The Date! September (Meskerem) is just around the corner, bringing the fresh start of a new year in Ethiopia. It's a time of hope for peace, unity, and prosperity for all. Join the Friends of Ethiopia Reads in Seattle, Washington, as they not only celebrate the new year but also host the 3rd Annual Seattle Run & Walk @ Green Lake on September 23, 2023, starting at 9 am.

This exciting event brings together health-conscious nature lovers and literacy supporters to raise awareness about Ethiopia Reads' two-decade mission of nurturing tomorrow's leaders by instilling a love for learning in today's youth. Don't miss out on our latest end-of-summer newsletter - give it a read here.

The day promises fun for everyone, with vendor booths, children's story time, jump roping, volleyball, soccer games, and other engaging activities to keep the kids entertained. Got ideas or questions? Reach out to former board member Frew Tibebu (P:209.629.3765 / E: tibebufr@msn.com) A big shoutout to all our past and present participants. Special thanks to Eshiutopia.com for creating this year's awesome logo and event merchandise.

Don't forget: grab your merchandise now to support Ethiopia Reads and secure your items for the event. Rally sponsors to back your participation and sign up using the provided sheet.

Let's make this event a memorable one while making a positive impact!